Come ride with us

Come ride with us !

l'Huisserie, located on the outskirts of Laval, has the advantage of proximity to the wood of the huisserie, an old motocross ground, 85 km of towpath, 44 km of railway tracks recycled in road, a countryside provided with small roads and paths and the steep-sided valleys of the Mayenne and the Vicoin.

On the road side, we offer you new routes every Sunday.

Extras are possible, from the 5h00 cyclo of Sacé to Paris-Brest-Paris or even the 24h00 of Le Mans cyclo.

On the mountain bike side, we have 500 km of routes for you to discover and we take advantage of the hikes organized by the other clubs, group registrations taken care of by the club, carpooling.

The Vitré 24h00 mountain biking, Les Roc'h des Monts d'Arrée or the Roc d'Azur make you dream? We participate ...

Club membership includes FFC membership and body insurance.

The cost of the license starts at 36€ + a club membership of 10€.

Communication is done a lot via the internet, information is available when you want it.

Weekly outings with our routes starting from l'Huisserie, for mountain bikers between 30 and 60 km,and for cyclists between 40 and 100 km.

Outings on the Doorframe are always punctuated by a session of rehydration ... and conviviality.

The Club offers a personalized outfit.

Are you a beginner or are you riding alone and you hesitate to join a club ?

Are you afraid of not being at the level or of being constrained? Think again !!!

You can ride when you want and at your own pace, because we have groups of level in cyclo and mountain bike.

Don't hesitate any longer and come and join the cvh53 !

Creation date : 19/12/2022 08:43
Category : - ADHESION CLUB
Page read 5799 times